Example type of notifications & alerts

Tracking messaging and notification

Messaging and notification now a days coming in many forms. In analytics we are trying to address some of the key business requirements. And following changes added to the analytics framework to handle all notifications and messages.


  • How many notifications are presented to the customers
  • How many notifications customers clicked
  • If priority notifications are delivered
  • How many customers close/dismiss the notifications
  • If multiple link is provided what link they clicked
  • Types of notification alert or notification or message
  • etc ..


To make sure the analytics solution works we need notification Title

  • Title can’t be too long
  • No PII data should be in the title
  • Each notification should have a type
  • Notification CTA should be recorded on destination pages

Mobile Apps

Notification impression

Single notification

dd.notificationTitle ="<notificationType>:<notification Title>"

Multiple notification

dd.notificationTitle ="<notificationType>:<notification Title>,<notificationType>:<notification Title1>"

Click through records on dismiss

dd.notificationTitle ="<notificationType>:<notification Title>"

Click through records on the link clicked

dd.notificationTitle ="<notificationType>:<notification Title>"
dd.notificationLink ="link title"

message details page passing title (not a clickthrough)


Web implementation

Notification impression record with a pageDetails (single or multiple)

By adding the following details to the dataLayer analytics will track notification with page tracking

example of the single notification on page dataLayer

	existing data

example of Multiple notification on page dataLayer

	existing data

Notification impression record in Lazy load scenario

In lazyload scenario when notification is displayed after page tracking completed a additional tracking function need to pass the notification information

s.w_trackNotification('impression', {"notification":[{ "notificationTitle":"<notificationType>:<notificationTitle>"}]})
s.w_trackNotification('impression', pageDetails)

Notification close/dismiss

Close or dismiss button recorded using same functions as lazy load

s.w_trackNotification('close', {"notification":[{ "notificationTitle":"<notificationType>:<notificationTitle>"}]})

// or
s.w_trackNotification('close', pageDetails)

Click through records on the next page

All CTA required the following data attribute property so that it will be recorded on next page tracking

<a href="#" data-analytics-notification-title="notification title" data-analytics-notification-type ="notification Type" data-analytics-notification-linktitle="text link" >text link<a>

<a href="#" data-analytics-notification-title="notification title" data-analytics-notification-type ="notification Type" data-analytics-notification-linktitle="text link1" >text link1<a>