Adobe Target API server side implementation

Adobe target server-side implementation comes with lots of benefits.

  • More control over content delivery
  • Works without any AT.js implementation
  • Works with other Adobe products i.e. Analytics, Audience Manager and AEM content fragments.

Web based implementation

To make sure end to end solution works you have to use component from other solutions in this diagram AAM visitor id service play a vital role to sync ID and segment qualifications.

Mobile apps implementation

One of the differences in mobile apps solution it does not use SDID instate it use tnta for the analytics feedback as a result we don’t need additional id sync call from the API to generate the SDID.

Frequency capping issue

Target API implementation you may come across AAM frequency capping issue for segment qualification. This is due to with cached segment from AAM not getting real-time segments. Read this how to fix frequency capping issue.

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